Dalai Lama says capitalism can learn from Buddhism
Earth Day 2009 at Dhammakaya Temple, Pathumtani, Thailand
Earth Day Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 Pra Dhammakaya Temple, Pathumtani, Thailand. Casting of Personal Buddha Statues Ceremony & The Grand Assembly of more than 100,000 Buddhist Monks from 30,000 Temples across country.
Buddhism And The Zen Of Punk Rock
ผลการศึกษาชี้ เกมโหดมีอิทธิพลให้ผู้เล่นก้าวร้าว
จริงหรือ!? แม่เหล็กโลกกลับขั้วทำไทยหิมะตกใน 7 ปี
Wonder Girl
The “Universal Energy” bonds the power of life, fights with serious illness, soothes mind into the centre of brain, builds circulations to generate seven levels of powers, and cures diseases with mind. I and my husband had practiced on the “Universal Energy”. However, we currently enter a temple, soothe our mind, and place it at the centre of the body. We practice a new kind of aura taught by Luang Phaw called “Gigantic Universal Energy”.
ชมรมแพทย์ชนบทล่าชื่อหนุน ร่างพ.ร.บ.คุมเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์
Before No Mom to Hug
It took longer than ten minutes to get to the hospital. The doctor tried to pump up his heart, but because his brain didn’t receive oxygen for a long time, he then became a sleeping prince. He was asleep twenty-four hours a day. The last thing I was able to do for him was to have him listen to chanting for the nineteen days he was in a coma.